Kidsgrove Primary School
Empowering Learners...Growing Minds
A very warm welcome to Kidsgrove Primary School.
At Kidsgrove Primary, our children sit at the heart of everything we do and everyone within our school community live and breathe our school values.
We are a community school, and we encompass all that this means. Our close links with families and the local area ensure we provide a relevant, community-based education with a global caring outlook. We strongly believe that our children deserve the best opportunities in life and education and we sit in the unique position to be able to offer this. Providing an inclusive education for all underpins the values we hold at Kidsgrove Primary.
The classroom learning is complemented by a wide range of visits, residential trips and visiting speakers for all children because we know that memorable experiences are key to learning and to a child’s enjoyment of school. In addition to this, after school clubs take place outside the classroom every week because we want all our children to have access to a rich and varied range of opportunities. We also provide the opportunity for many children to participate in sports fixtures and festivals throughout the year.
We are very proud to have been rated as a GOOD school by OFSTED in May 2022, with Early Years (Nursery and Reception), Personal Development and Leadership and Management all achieving an OUTSTANDING accreditation. So, our school in your community is now one of the very best in the area. But we retain a relentless drive for improvement, excellence, and equality. As a school we will do whatever it takes to help every child to achieve the best they can be.
From September 2021, we launched our digital strategy in partnership with Kidsgrove Secondary School. We wanted to ensure our subject based curriculum, daily teaching and learning and aspirations of our pupils is enhanced through the modern technology to prepare them for the next stage of their education. The impact has been incredible! At Kidsgrove Primary, ALL pupils have their own IPad to use as a unique 1 to 1 learning device. This allows for personalised reading libraries, adaptive homework, learning platforms to review teaching and learning from the day and a quick and easy platform for parents to communicate daily. We even share live learning and examples of work from lessons so you can see learning as your child completes it. Each day will be unique with our virtual reality and immersive equipment. Our children go home saying – they have explored London naming different locations, travelled to Egypt and explored tombs and they have witnessed Mount Etna erupting – feeling the heat of Lava! It really does happen! This innovative practise provides an excellent foundation for our children to develop as individuals.
I am privileged to work alongside a fantastic team ‘TEAM KPS’ where everyone from our premises team through to our teachers have the children’s best interests at heart and provide a fantastic, creative, and exciting education.
We would love to see you at one of our open days or for an individual tour of our amazing school. We are very proud of our school and know how important it is for you to see us in action before deciding if this is the right environment for your child.
Please contact the school office on to organise a unique tour of the school.
We very much look forward to welcoming you and your child to Kidsgrove Primary School where the future of education is happening today.
Emma Johnson
Head Teacher
If you need to speak with me or have a positive comment, thank you to share or to ask a quick question to a query or concern. Email Mrs Johnson or complete the contact form and the message will go directly into the Headteachers inbox.