Kidsgrove Primary School
Empowering Learners...Growing Minds
Summer Term 1 Update
Weeks 28-33
Wow! The first summer term zoomed by and we worked extremely hard to be the best we could be.
In Maths, we have completed our learning on decimals and begun exploring angles. Check out our learning. We worked together and compared our responses to the problems we faced. As a result, we found out how we could become more accurate.
In English, we have been reading 'Queen of the Falls'. We have written and published poetry about Niagara Falls and created a hybrid text about Annie Edson Taylor's amazing feat. We used our comprehension skills to consider the motivations of such an extraordinary woman and summarised these to answer questions in greater detail. Finally, we changed the tone of our writing from formal to informal in order to address different audiences. Badgers have really enjoyed this writing unit!
In the wider curriculum, we have begun learning about rivers in our theme, 'Flow' and in Science, plants. We have been carrying out many different experiments to find out more about the function of each feature and also found time after school to contribute to our new library area.
Week 26 Beginning 22.3.21
March is flying by and we are continuing to work extremely hard to be the best we can be.
This week in Maths, we have begun our unit on decimals - have a look at some of our learning. We worked together and compared our responses to the problems we faced. As a result, we found different and more efficient ways to tackle them in the future.
As the term continues, we are working hard and pushing ahead in our learning - challenging ourselves to build and apply new knowledge every day. On Friday, we recognised Comic Relief, dressing up to celebrate the occasion, whilst raising monies for the cause.
This week, we have continued to read our text, 'Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief' focusing on Percy's arrival at Camp Half Blood. But what is it like there? To answer this question, we have planned and begun to write our own information leaflets to inform new recruits.
In SPaG, our focus has been on using standard English. We have editted writing to ensure that a singular subject has a singular verb, paying particular attention to the verbs was, were, did and done.
Look at some of the excellent examples of our work.
Next week, we will complete and publish our writing.
In branching out maths, we concluded our fraction unit of work. We have applied our knowledge to solve problems and calculate a fraction of an amount.
In the wider curriculum, we continued to complete our 'Mrs Dodds' artworks. She really was a 'dragon' of a teacher!