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Kidsgrove Primary School

Empowering Learners...Growing Minds

Our Covid recovery curriculum

Recovery Curriculum


At Kidsgrove Primary our vision and values are at the core of everything we do and underpin all teaching and learning. Our intention is that this recovery curriculum is a short-term structured approach to fill knowledge and skills gaps to significantly accelerate progress and attainment.     


We aim to build resilience and encourage a positive mindset as it is often through mistakes, we learn the most.


Curriculum Intent 


At Kidsgrove we have designed this curriculum so that it allows pupils to develop both skills and knowledge. We will address gaps in learning and then commence our journey to Outstanding.  The five areas which will be key to success will be: 

  1. Staff expertise 
  2. Support from the local community 
  3. The right curriculum, tools and resources 
  4. National provision 
  5. Time  


1,2,4 and 5 are on the list but the curriculum is going to influence the recovery process. All this is supported a and defined using the 5 levers recommended by Professor Barry Carpenter ‘A recovery Curriculum: Loss and Life of our children and schools post pandemic.’  

We intend to implement a clear curriculum pedagogy, that provides structure and ensures content is delivered in the most effective way, also teaching and providing practice for metacognition strategies and exploring positive models of personal development e.g. resilience, character, adapting to challenges and achievement. Extra access and support to embed the Key Basic Skills has been prioritised through timetabling, high on the agenda is a love of, and the skills involved in reading – as it is an essential tool for accessing a wider curriculum.  All of this is based on using a sequenced knowledge and skills framework. Throughout all of this modelling good speaking and listening skills and empowering children with vocabulary in all subject areas. Regular PHSE lessons will acknowledge and address pupil’s health and wellbeing.  Under all of this is the need to upskill teachers by providing curriculum tools, plans and resources to support teaching and learning.  


Curriculum Implementation


We will use the basis of our ambitious broad and balanced curriculum from the start, but we will use the existing flexibilities to create time to cover the most important content and fill gaps in core knowledge. Substantial modification to our curriculum and timetabling will be needed at the beginning of the school year to address the significant gaps that are evident across all year groups.  All planning is to be informed by an assessment of pupils starting points.   




At Kidsgrove Primary, children are assessed during every lesson which enables our teachers to plan the next steps for each child. Teachers assess against the learning objectives and the basic skill requirements for each year group and provide in the moment feedback which enables each pupil to make progress within the lesson and overtime. Children are expected to make good or better progress in all subjects and this individual progress is tracked and reported to parents and carers at parents evening and on the end of year report.  


Kidsgrove Primary uses rigorous triangulated monitoring throughout the year to gauge the impact of the curriculum design. Senior Leaders and Subject Leaders monitor individual subjects: reviewing learning, evaluating pupil voice, providing individual feedback to move practice forward, celebrating positives and highlighting areas of development that through coaching and continued professional development are developed and strengthened. The impact of the curriculum is reviewed half termly and progress is measured against end of year outcomes for individual pupils and for the year group.  


Enjoyment of the curriculum promotes achievement, confidence and good behaviour. Children feel safe to try new things. The pupils will be able to work collaboratively with their peers and independently as inquisitive learners who are motivated to excel and who have a thirst for learning. The pupils will have a strong desire to embrace challenge and to be resilient learners.  


Our curriculum will also enable our pupils to become good citizens and demonstrate an appreciation for each other, the school community and the world. Our pupils will be respectful and will show tolerance and acceptance to those from different faiths and backgrounds.  


We will measure the impact of our curriculum through:  

  • Pupil achievement data 

  • Attendance rates 

  • Behaviour 

  • Extra Curriculum registers 

  • Pupil questionnaires 

  • Pupil Voice 

  • Parent questionnaires 

  • Lesson observations 

  • Curriculum Reviews. 
