Kidsgrove Primary School
Empowering Learners...Growing Minds
Interactive Maths Games For Key Stage Two Here are 12 maths games to try (the computer chess is great!). I will change these every few weeks, so keep a look out.
More difficult maths challenges A website full of a variety of maths challenges from Early Years - Upper KS2
Fun brain maths website Choose your own skill level. You may have to create a username and password. No personal data is stored, so it is safe.
Times Tables Rock Stars Improve your times tables recall speed in a competitive, fun, engaging way.
Hit the button An interactive maths game with quick fire questions on number bonds, time tables, double and halving, multiples, division facts and square numbers.
Each week there will be 5 tasks so you can complete one each day. You can do each one all by yourself then maybe go through them with someone in your home using great green.
Here are the activities for this week.
I have included the answers, where possible, so you can check your own answers afterwards. No peeking!