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Kidsgrove Primary School

Empowering Learners...Growing Minds

Home Learning

Update Week Commencing 8th March


Welcome back to school. 


As you are now so used to accessing your learning on the website I will continue uploading. Each week you will find:

  • Spellings
  • Reading expecations 
  • Maths homework
  • English (SPAG or Writing) Homework 
  • Topic Based homework 


Also, if any of the class are absent I will upload the daily learning and links to TEAMS so you can access live learning. 


Once you have completed it, please upload to you class dojo portfolio. 

Hello Year 6,


Well we find ourselves going back to home learning as of today (Tuesday 5th January 2021), we're absolutely gutted to not have you in school. 


However, we know how important your education is and we will continue to provide and support your learning throughout this time.


Remember, this is what we expect every day:


- Learning to be completed to the best of your ability

- Work to be sent to your teacher

- A message on Class Dojo or Email to let us know that you're okay.


Ms Brookes-Colclough
