Kidsgrove Primary School
Empowering Learners...Growing Minds
Week 34 (WC 14.06.21)
We are back for our last week 6 weeks of learning for this school year. The children have come back with the right mind frame to tackle anything that is put in front of them. We have got a busy time to come and we are ready!
In writing this week we have began to plan our narrative for 'queen of the falls'. We looked at Annie emotions at different points of her journey as well as describing the setting that she is in.
In maths this week we have began to look at statistics and being able to read and understand what a table, chart or graph may be telling us. We learnt that we need to be careful when reading the statistics as it is easy to make mistakes!
In Topic this week we began to plan and choose materials for bridge building. We looked at materials and designed our bridge using our knowledge of different types of bridges created today. Next week we will begin building our bridges then test them to see if they can withstand weight and are sturdy.
Week 33 (WC 24.05.21)
Well its the end of the first term of Summer. Where has the time gone? In the foxes class we are so proud at how much the children have progressed and grown up this year. The week was a focus on excellence and I believe that every child has shown excellence.
In writing we finished off publishing our last piece of the term for 'Queen of the falls' and we can't wait to continue the work with this book.
In maths this week we have continued to look at time. This week we have also looked at the how many days there are in different months. We even learnt a catchy song to help us.
In science we looked at and labelled parts of a flower that aid the flower in reproducing. How many pats of the flower can you name?
Week 32 (WC 17.05.21)
Well isn't time flying! As summer term 1 is coming to an end we are have being continuing to grow our knowledge and learn new things every day.
This week has ben the first week of our assembly. Four children in the class were given certificates for excelling in different areas within school. Well done to them children, your are superstar acorns!
In writing the week we are beginning our last piece of summer term 1. We are looking to produce a piece of work that is from the perspective of Annie Taylor on the day of her great plunge over Niagara Falls.
In maths this week we are looking at time and writing and telling the time. We used clocks (which we found fun) and played games against each other to see how fast we could tell the time.
This week we finished off our publishing work for our previous piece of writing. The children produced a wonderful piece of art to go along with their newspaper article. Take a look below!
Week 31 (WC 14.05.21)
As we are moving along the children are amazing us at how hard they have been working this term. They have shown us that they can do fantastic things when they put their minds to it this week.
In writing we began to write up our newspaper on Annie Edson Taylor. Our main focus was including including time adverbials within their writing to tell the reader when the event took place.
In maths this week we finished looking at money and giving change from certain amounts. We also looked at reasoning questions for money the we may see in real life.
In science this week we completed an experiment to see how water is transported up the stem of a plant and into its leaves. We got some interesting results!
In our topic this week we we looking at different art techniques and how we can apply these to our art piece for our topic.
Week 30 (WC 04.05.21)
We are moving on so fast in Foxes class. We are so proud with all the progress that our children are making and all the credit is theirs as they have worked their socks off!
In writing this week we began to explore newspaper articles and we identified the features of a newspaper in our WAGOLL. The children were fantastic at this and were able to spot the different features.
In maths this week we finished off our maths topic by looking at giving change from a certain amount. We used number lines to find the change.
In science this week we explored how plants germinated and also did an experiment where we looked at sunflower seeds and what plants need to survive.
In Topic this week we looked at one of the most famous rivers and explored loads of facts about that river. Can you guess which river we researched?
Week 29 (WC 26.04.21)
In the famous words of Dory (Finding Nemo) 'Just keep swimming'. That is what the foxes class has done exactly! As we are moving more into the Summer term we are continuing to grow our knowledge in all subjects.
As we are in the second week the children began and finished writing their first piece about our new topic. The children came up with some amazing describing words to describe each scene. Can you spot any?
In maths we worked more on our counting of money. We also began to look at converting pounds into pence and also adding money together.
In science this week we looked at what a plant needs to grow and then planted our own seeds to look after in the hopes that they grow to be wonderful Sunflowers!
In our topic we looked at the upper course of a river and then drew what we may see along the way on a river journey.
Week 28 (WC 19.04.21)
And we are back again for our final term of this year. The children have come back ready to take all the challenges and are gearing up to produce some fantastic work.
To start off our Summer term we have began one of our new texts called the river story. On the first day we predicted what the book may be about then began to dive in and look at the different settings in the book to help us with our first write.
In maths this week we have began to look at money. This week we have looked at making a total out of different amounts of coins and notes. We have also looked at compare two amounts of money.
In science this week we have began to look at plants. We have begun by looking at the different parts of a plant an their jobs to keep the plant healthy.
We have started our new topic this week as well which is introducing our 'Rivers' topic. We have began by labelling the different parts of a river from the upper course, middle course and lower course.
Week 26 (WC 22.03.21)
Wow! aren't we zooming through this year! We are doing an amazing job with our work in the classroom this week and it is showing with the fantastic work that we have been producing in our books.
In writing this week we are writing up our final piece of work for our topic 'Greek Myths'. The children have loved this novel and have enjoyed reading all about the terrific Myths. We have focused on our fronted adverbials this week so keep an eye out for them in our writing!
In Maths this week we have finally finished our fractions segment. We finalised this by looking at fractions of amount. The little mathematicians loved this were moving like a steam train, completing all of their work.
In our Root Recovery sessions we have been busy bees. We have done some more work on our handwriting this week but we have also recapped using similes within our writing. (Ask our children for a simile if you ever see them.)
Week 25 (WC 15.03.21)
As we move closer towards the end of the term. We are continuing to work hard and push ourselves to learn new things every day. This week we celebrated Comic Relief where the children dressed up to celebrate the occasion.
In writing this week we completed our second write which was a fact file on the Greek hero, Heracles, the children have produced some amazing pieces of work that are now up in the classroom.
In Maths this week we have continued to look at fractions. The children this week looked at improper fractions and identified how many wholes and parts of the fraction are in a improper fraction.
In our Root recovery this week we have looked at adverbials and fronted adverbial to make our sentences more interesting, we have also worked further on our handwriting and improving our maths.
Week 24 (WC 08.03.21)
As we go storming into week 24 of the year we have welcomed back the rest of our amazing class. Everyone has come back with their engines roaring. Every single child has shown an amazing commitment to processing with their learning and it has made every adult in the school proud.
In our writing this week we have began to prepare for our second piece of writing. We looked at the different aspects of a biography and what we need to include as writers to make it interesting for the reader. At the end of this week we began to write out a biography of the Greek legend Heracles.
In our maths this week we have continued to look at fractions. we have looked at equivalent fractions this week as well as adding and subtracting fractions with the same denominator.
For our afternoons we have focused on our root recovery to help our children fill the gaps that they have missed whilst being at home. We begin our afternoons with reading followed by SPaG into writing. After these lessons we focus on our handwriting then for our last lesson we have our maths cafe.
We have introduced new walls to support our children's learning in the classroom. We will continue to add to these walls in the classroom to support our learning journeys.
Week 23 (WC 01.03.21)
This week we have began to prepare for the rest of or children to return to the classroom. Everyone in the class is looking forward to seeing our little foxes once again. With everyone due back next week, we can continue to push forward and make more great progress.
In our Writing this week we have finished writing our first piece for our new book (Greek Myths) The children focused on placing subordinating conjunctions at the start of a complex sentence to show a variety of sentence openers.
In Maths this week we have explored more about fractions and have looked more at comparing fractions by cutting up some delicious cake. The children then looked at making tenths into decimals and converting them back.
In our Topic this week we had our very own Olympics where the children took part in their own events and competed just like the Ancient Greeks did 3000 years ago!
Week 22 (WC 22.02.21)
As we start new term we keep striving to be the best in everything we do! We have started our new class text (Greek Myths) and have began to plan out our writing for the following week. We have also began our fraction journey in maths by recapping the previous years learning outcomes.
In our writing this week we looked at the beginning of the film Heracles and broke this down into 5 plot points. We analysed each plot point and looked at the emotions that the charcters involved would be feeling at different points. We also divided deeper and began to look at different skills that we can incorporate within our writing.
In our maths we have began to explore fractions and be able to find fractions in a shape and in an amount.
Within our science lesson this week, we have began our next science topic of forces and magnets. We looked at different forces and tested to see how much force is needed when pushing an object over different surfaces.
Our online learners this week have continued to do an amazing job with their online learning. Here are some pieces of their work.
Week 20 (WC 01.02.21)
As we move closer to the end of half term, the children have still got their engines roaring.
We have continued to do live lessons in the morning and continue for a hour in the afternoon to keep the children at home in a routine. We have again seen some brilliant work and it makes us all at Kidsgrove very proud!
In our writing this week we have began preparing for our next writing task. We have made a skeleton plan of an alternative ending which each child has done their own twist. We also looked at a WAGOLL to see what will be good to put in our own work.
In our maths this week we have been exploring shapes and their properties. We have also began to look at angles and what types of angles we can find in different shapes.
In science this week we have looked at the different joints in our body and then looked at how they help us to move! All the children stood up and had a discussion about which joint they thought would be in certain part of their body. That was interesting in its self!
In our topic this week we looked at the Greek Gods of Ancient Greece. Afterwards, we decided that we would create Top Trumps cards to display the different god's and goddesses abilities.
Our home learners this week have produced some amazing work! They have been able to keep up with the schools presentation policy as well as achieve the learning objectives in the lessons
Week 19 (WC 25.01.21)
We are half way through this half term and we are making amazing progress!
We are dealing with adversity amazingly! To all the children learning at home, you are doing a fantastic job and everyone in school is amazed at the work you are sending in. Just a reminder, if you are ever struggling then don't be afraid to ask for help. We are always here for you!
In our writing this week we have been writing out our narrative of Fantastic Mr. Fox but from the farmers perspective. We included a new skills we have learnt in our writing which was direct speech.
In Maths this week we are finishing up on our division block. We started this journey grouping the numbers using base-10. Afterwards, we began to use short division method to help us work the questions out quicker.
In science this week we have looked at the human skeleton and how it helps us in multiple ways. We also looked at the different bones in the body and played a game to see how many of the bones we could remember after looking at the human skeleton for a minute. As a class we were able to think of them all! (with a little help with the spelling from Mrs. Dryden)
In our topic this week, we looked at Ancient Greek pottery. We examined the different patterns and art pieces on the pottery. We then attempted to have a go ourselves.