Kidsgrove Primary School
Empowering Learners...Growing Minds
Week 37 (w/c 28/06/2021)
It is assessment week and I cannot wait to see the progress our little acorns have done. I am so proud of our Reception class, regardless of living through a pandemic, they are brave, resilient children and I cannot wait to share to outcomes.
Below I have attached some learning files for you to explore with at home. Please continue doing your daily reading as well, this is shining through in the children's writing. Keep it up!
If you need anything at all, contact me through dojo, on the door. We are always here
Miss Fulcher and Mrs Tomlinson
Welcome to week 36! (21/06/21)
Another busy week here in Reception! We have had lots of things to celebrate!
In Literacy this week we have finished the story of sharing a shell. The children loved this story! We spoke and wrote about which our favourite characters, we spoke about our favourite part of the story and what we though might happen next. The children did some amazing phonetically plausible sentences!
In Maths this week we have been learning about numbers 1-20, we do this everyday as to get early learning goal for maths we need to know and understand numbers 1-20. We have been focusing a lot on taking away and halving this week, we understand when we takeaway the number will get smaller and if we are adding the number will get bigger. We understand that sometimes taking away can also be called subtraction.
We have also had the opportunity to celebrate Sports Day! We were so impressed with strength and resilience of our Reception Rabbits! Every child had a go and even if they didn't win they just enjoyed taking part and being a part of a team!
Star of the Week
Our super star this week was Georgia! Georgia has been so kind to her friends this week, she has truly shown and mirrored our value of 'Friendship' Well done Georgia, Keep it up!
Welcome to week 35! (W/C 14/06/2021)
We have had another busy week here in Reception Rabbits! All the children have been superstars and continue to make us proud!
In literacy this week, we are still looking at our story of sharing a shell. This week we have been looking closely at the story and looking at the new characters that was introduced and describing the feelings of the new characters. The children got to the write as if they were in the characters position and describe how the characters are feeling, using simple sentences.
In Maths this week we have been looking at subtraction looking at the symbols (- =) understanding that when we subtract or take away from another number the number gets smaller. We have also looking at numbers and sharing out quantities looking at the vocabulary of doubling and halving. We did this by sharing out shells on sandcastles, the children also got to practise their cutting skills which is great for their fine motor skills!
Another beautiful week here in Reception, the star of the week this was Reggie. Reggie this has had a beautiful attitude to his learning and has even independently created sentences with connectives such as 'and' and 'so.' We are so proud, keep it up!
Well done to all of our beautiful Reception children we are so proud of their learning and are becoming more independent everyday! Keep it up, keep reading at home it really does help with your child's progression, here in school.
If you need anything at all, please don't hesitate to contact through dojo or on the door.
Lets have another superstar week!
Miss Fulcher and Mrs Tomlinson
Welcome to week 34! (W/C 7/06/2021)
We hope you all had a well deserved rest and have enjoyed some glorious sunshine! We are nearly coming towards the end of the academic year and this half term is certainly going to be a busy one!
In Literacy this week we are looking at our story 'sharing a shell' we will be focusing our writing around this beautiful story for the next few weeks. The children have loved this story so far, we have been labelling the characters of the story, using descriptions to describe what the characters look like, using simple sentences. We have also been writing letters to the sea creatures!
In maths this week, we have been looking at addition and the vocabulary surrounding addition, looking at the symbols around addition, when creating a number sentence (+ =). The children loved experimenting with a range of number sentences, understanding when we add quantities together the number will get bigger.
Also, this week we experienced a magical moment, thanks to our nursery mice class. They have been looking at the life cycle of butterflies and have had their own caterpillars and were able to observe the life cycle of the butterfly. They were kind enough to share with us their butterflies, the Reception children sat beautifully, whilst observing the butterflies and asked loads of helpful questions about the butterfly life cycle.
Also, to celebrate the end of the week, we have had another star of the week! This week we have been super proud of our star of the week, Kye has been very helpful with his friends and adults in the classroom. He has been showing kindness to his friends and he has been doing super independent sentence writing and mathematical learning in his play! Well done Kye, Keep it up!
Welcome to week 33 (W/C 24/05/21)
Can you believe we are coming towards the end of the first half of the Summer Term? Time flies when you are having fun!
The children have yet again been working super hard on all their work this week! We have been trailing out a new timetable to help the children become more aware of the structure of year 1. This will help them to become more prepared for the transition for year 1, come September. The children have taken on to the new timetable very well and I am more proud of them everyday!
The book of the week was 'Lost and Found,' we are still looking at the theme of transport and we have been learning about all things boats this week! The children have yet again impressed me with their writing, for example we created a Lost poster for the penguin in the story as, the penguin become lost in the story. The children used descriptive labels and sentence to describe what the penguin looked like to help us find him! We then pretended that we were the little boy or penguin and we created a list of things we would need for our journey back to the penguins home. We had repeated sentence starters such as 'I will need ...' We then also had a go at us all doing it as a whole group to ensure maximum participation from all pupils, so their is no lost learning time on the carpet! The children create lots of fabulous ideas!
In Maths this week, we have been looking at number bonds to 5 and 10 looking at using the whole-part model. We have been looking at how numbers come together to make the number 5 and 10. The children loved seeing how what numbers come together to make number five and ten!
We then looked at using positional language. We looked at what position the penguin was in, either behind, under or front of a certain place. The children looked at where the penguin was, the children used the correct language to determine where the penguin was. The children did an amazing job, we are so proud!
This week we have celebrated our school value of excellence, and to celebrate this, our star of the week goes to our very own Evie. Evie shows excellence every day, she comes in with a brilliant attitude to learning and she gives 100% to her learning! We are so proud of Evie! Well done and keep it up!
Another week to celebrate here at acorn HQ, we are so proud of our little acorns, they are working super hard each day and are truly on their way of being superstars!
Now it is time to have a well earned rest and enjoy the coming sunshine!
So for now stay safe and we will seen you in a week's time on Monday 7th June
Miss Fulcher and Mrs Tomlinson
Welcome to week 32 (W/C 17/05/2021)
We have been so busy this week! We are still learning all about transport and our story of the week was 'Maisy goes by Plane.' Therefore, we have been learning all things plane this week! In literacy this week we have been practising writing sentences about what Maisy might see when she is on the plane, as well as writing a list of all things we would need to take on holiday! We even made a safety poster for Maisy to read on the plane to ensure her safety on the plane! Take a look at the examples below. I am so proud of how hard the children are focusing on their writing. Keep it up!
In Maths this week we have been looking at money and the concept of money. We have money so we can buy nice things. We looked at how we measure money (for example a pound is more than 1 pence). The children then handle real money and had to match the correct money to the card they had! The children did so well at using the language of money! This was then taking into the provision for children to use in their play.
This week we had another celebration during assembly where Sara was awarded with Star of the Week! She is one of our newest little acorn and she is really trying hard with her phonics in the morning working with our wonderful teaching assistant Mrs Tomlinson. Mrs Tomlinson says how hard she works everyday to ensure she can learn her letters and letter sounds! Well done Sara We are so proud!
Another superstar week had by all! Keep up all your amazing work - we are proud of al of your learning everyday! If any grown ups have any questions of comments about their child's learning, please don't hesitate to contact me, we are always here.
Here's to another awesome acorn week!
Miss Fulcher and Mrs Tomlinson
Welcome to week 31! (Week commencing 10/05/2021)
This week as we have been learning all about trains, as our overall topic is about 'Transport.' We discussed about the different types of trains we see out and about, we wrote sentences about their colour and how fast trains go! The children's writing is coming on stronger and stronger everyday, to encourage your child to write at home you can also practise their letter writing at home, create and build your own sentences about what you have done, or what your child likes to do!
In maths this week we looked at 3D shapes that we see everyday in our environment. We understand that a 3D shape is a solid shape, in comparison to a 'flat' 2D shape. We used and learnt the correct mathematical terms for 3D shapes, such as 'cube' 'cuboid' 'cone.' The children then created their own safety cone, and the children were able to describe what shape they made. Take a look for yourself!
We have also been getting creative by using lots of paint to create a range of transports! We have made boats for egg cartons! The children spoke about where we see boats and why we use boats.
This week we were excited to finally welcome back assemblies (socially-distanced!) This gives a chance to celebrate and reflect on the beautiful week we have had. This week in the assembly, we spoke about respect and using kind words around our school and how important it is to treat everyone with respect. Also, we celebrated our first star of the week of 2021! Our very own Poppy well and truly deserved winning Star of the Week for her beautiful independent sentence writing! Reception children should be able to write sentences that are phonetically plausible for them to be Year 1 ready! So we are very proud of Poppy! Well done and keep it up!
Another beautiful week for our Reception Rabbits! We are so proud of how far the children are coming! Should you need anything at all, we are always here for you, should you need anything message via dojo, or ask for a quick chat on the door. We are always here.
Here's to another fantastic week!
Miss Fulcher and Mrs Tomlinson
In maths we have been focusing on numbers 1-20 as it states in Development Matters Reception aged children should be able to count reliably from numbers 0-20. Therefore our being focus is to ensure every child can count up to twenty and beyond, gaining an understanding for each number (0-20).
Therefore, please keep learning your numbers with your children from numbers 0-20 can your child count forwards to 20, can they count backwards from twenty?
When looking at our shapes this week, we have been using 2D shapes to create vehicles, we had a range of vehicles! We had cars, trains, buses and planes! The children were able to describe the 2D shapes they used as well as mentioning the properties of each shapes! Take a look at our wonderful designs!
As our topic is all about transport, we have turned our role play area into a travel agents!
This means the children can pretend to be the travel agents! The children have learnt a lot about the different places we can on holiday and what type of transport to use! We have learnt a little bit about currency and the different currency countries have!
We have had an amazing week in Reception! Here's to another fabulous week! If you have any queries or questions about anything! Please don't hesitate to contact myself or Mrs Tomlinson, on the door or through dojo messenger. We are always on hand to help with anything.
Thank you for your continued support
Love Miss Fulcher and Mrs Tomlinson
Welcome to week 29!
This week our book has been Oliver's Vegetables. We have been learning all things about vegetables! We have been looking at what vegetables we like and may not like! Creating sentences and lists around what vegetables we like. In the story Oliver tries some pea soup and to celebrate this Miss Fulcher made some pea soup for everyone to try! All of the children had a little sample we were so proud that everyone had a try! Some children even wanted seconds!
Also, we were lucky enough to plant some seeds, recalling the previous weeks learning on what we needed to do to be able to plant some vegetables. We planted carrot, tomato and basil seeds. We have been watering them daily, hopefully we can all update you on the process of our plants to see if they will grow!
In Maths we went on a shape hunt recapping our knowledge on shapes seeing what shapes we can see in our own environment. Introducing the method of creating a tally chart. The children had heaps of un being able to work in partners to see which shapes they could see (and might not see!) We then collected and compared our results to see which child saw the most shapes. This is a great activity for you to do and about!
In addition to our shape hunt we used vegetables we have been learning about to compare to sizes of them to see which vegetables are taller / heavier than other vegetables using the correct vocabulary to compare length and weight.
The children loved comparing the sizes of the vegetables. Take a look!
A certainly a very busy week had by all in Reception! Please keep continuing their learning at home this could be Youtube videos learning numbers to 20. Please continue to keep reading daily with your children, the children's reading is coming on leaps and bounds we are so proud of them! Below are links to support your child's learning.
Any questions or queries about your child's learning please don't hesitate to ask!
Here's to another fabulous week!
Miss Fulcher and Mrs Tomlinson
🪴 Final week of Spring 1 term 🪴
🐣 ...Easter break pending! 🐣
W.c 29.03.2021 is our assessment week and although the children are going to be very busy showing us that they are being the very best version of themselves, Mrs Tomlinson, Miss Fulcher and I have planned a lovely 'Easter celebration day' on Thursday next week to end the term in style. We will have Easter crafts, party games, a small (low key and very safe) buffet and we will end the day with a lovely Easter film and some of our favourite stories. This will also be my last day with the children before I commence my maternity leave so we will go out with a bang in true EYFS style!
To the children - thank you for being so wonderful. Thank you for looking after me and the baby so well, thank you for all of your baby name suggestions, your caring words and your help in keeping our classroom a tidy and safe space. I tell you ALL the time but I am so incredibly proud of you all! Keep shining bright and reach for the stars in the Summer term! I will leave you in the capable hands of Miss Fulcher and Mrs Tomlinson who will help you to 'be the best you!'. Keep safe, be good and I can't wait to introduce you to our new little friend who will be joining us in May (fingers crossed!).
Enjoy a wonderful Easter break - you will return to School on Tuesday 20th April.
Miss Morrey x
w.c. 15.03.2021
Spring term 2
🐛 ⛅️ 🪴 In the garden 🪴 ⛅️ 🐛
This week the children have once again impressed us with their wonderful work!
The story focus for this week was 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar'. In Literacy, the children really focused on using their phonetic knowledge to help them write simple sentences. Now that we are nearing the Summer term, we are encouraging independent writing more each day and the children are responding well to this. They have made clear progress this week and we are so proud! The children completed some wonderful activities linking in with this week's story - take a look at some examples of their wonderful writing below.
In Maths, we also made links with this week's story as we carried out our activities. The children completed various tasks such as number sequencing 0-10 / 10-20, finding 1 more / 1 less than a given number and ordering various lengths (using caterpillars of course!) We found '1 less' quite tricky so will continue to work on this next week. The children's positive attitudes really shone through as they worked really hard throughout the week.
Rapid Recovery (interventions).
Myself and team are super proud of ALL of the children for their enthusiasm when completing their intervention activities. We can see a clear improvement in letter recognition, phonic knowledge, handwriting, letter formation, number recognition and accurate counting to name but a few of this week’s activities. They just blow us away with their amazing work.
The children really have worked so hard once again, and we are so incredibly proud of them all.
Miss Morrey, Miss Fulcher and Mrs Tomlinson x
w.c. 08.03.2021
Spring term 2
🐛 ⛅️ 🪴 In the garden 🪴 ⛅️ 🐛
This week we have officially welcomed all of our children back to School. They have worked extremely hard and adapted brilliantly and we are so proud of them. We have begun our root recovery curriculum (interventions) to boost the children academically and ensure that any gaps are closed and that no learning is missed.
In Literacy this week, the children have explored the story of Owl babies with Miss Fulcher. They have made links to family and Mother's day whilst doing so, in addition to writing some lovely labels, captions and short sentences about the story book.
In Maths, the children have continued to work on their number, shape, space and measure, with activities linking to our main theme this term, 'In the garden'. We have focused on various mathematical skills, including addition and the language surrounding simple number sentences.
The children have worked extremely hard on their root recovery curriculum with Miss Morrey and Mrs Tomlinson this week, focusing on a range of skills linked mainly to Literacy and Numeracy.
In Literacy, the children have worked on their reading of tricky words and CVC / CVCC words, their handwriting, initial sounds, and rhyming words.
In Maths, the children have worked on their number recognition, matching numeral to quantity, 1 more / less and shape recognition.
They have done such a wonderful job and we are so proud of them all. Our root recovery curriculum sessions will continue to run over the next few weeks until the end of this half term, to ensure that we are able to embed and recap those basic skills on a daily / weekly basis.
All in all, another wonderful week here in Reception. Keep it up!
Miss Morrey, Miss Fulcher and Mrs Tomlinson x
w.c. 01.03.2021
Spring term 2
🐛 ⛅️ 🪴 In the garden 🪴 ⛅️ 🐛
The children have thoroughly enjoyed this week at School. We have continued with our busy learning as always, but this week they have particularly enjoyed a wide range of story books as we celebrated World Book Day 2021 on Thursday.
It was so wonderful to see all children participate as they all came into school dressed to impress - and THAT they certainly did! They were eager to show off some of their favourite stories and we enjoyed a good range of these throughout the day as we shared them together as a class. We even had some super giggling episodes as we read some stories that sent our tongues into a twisted tangle, such as Wonkey Donkey and Dinky Donkey!
All in all, we had a wonderful day that was thoroughly enjoyed by children and staff alike.
Take a look at our photos below - we certainly were a colourful bunch of characters!
Miss Morrey, Mrs Tomlinson and Miss Fulcher x
w.c. 22.02.2021
Spring term 2
🐛 ⛅️ 🪴 In the garden 🪴 ⛅️ 🐛
A very warm welcome back to you all after our half term break. We hope that you are all well-rested and ready for the half term ahead. We welcome back Mrs Tomlinson, who has been working hard in our Nursery covering a staff absence. We are delighted to have her back with us again. She is ready to jump into our new topic with us and over the next few weeks will be creating a magical display relating to our new theme.
This week, our story book has been ‘Superworm’ by Julia Donaldson. The children have engaged in some wonderful activities around our new theme and produced some superb work. In Literacy, they have written a list of characters from the story and talked about what they would like their own superpowers to be. They also created their own WANTED poster for the wizard lizard’s servant crow! In Maths, they answered some very tricky mathematical questions relating to a mini-beast hunt, made 3D mini-beasts (cones and cubes) and took part in a physical activity on Friday where we used lots of prepositional language to find a good hiding place for wriggly worms!
The children also enjoyed our continuous provision activities this week, including; creating their own Superworm play dough scene, recreating the front cover of the story book using paints, thinking carefully about the colours of the mini-beasts, and a cutting and sticking activity to place the mini-beasts in the correct area of the garden.
A well-deserved rest is now due. 😊 Have a wonderful weekend and we will see you all on Monday morning, fresh faced and ready to start a new week of learning!
Miss Morrey, Mrs Tomlinson and Miss Fulcher x
W.C. 8.2.2021
❄️ Spring Term 1 - All About Winter ❄️
This week, our class texts have been; ‘All About Valentine’s Day, Chinese New Year and The Runaway Pancake’
It’s been a busy week here in Reception. This week, we covered Valentine’s Day, Chinese New Year and Pancake day! This week has also been assessment week, so the children have worked extra hard at showing off their skills learnt from this half term.
Valentine’s Day ❤️
The children had some lovely things to write about someone special at home. They learnt a new song, and made beautiful Valentine’s Day cards to take home.
Chinese New Year 💥
The children explored the story of Chinese New Year and worked together to sequence the events in the story, thinking about the animals and the order that they came in the race, e.g. 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and so on. They also got creative, completing a collage of their very own dragon. We ended the week with a yummy traditional Chinese snack.
Pancake day 🥞
The children enjoyed the story of ‘The Runaway Pancake’ and made links to a familiar story they knew, The Gingerbread Man. They were able to retell some of the main events in the story, and then labelled each of the animals that tried to escape with the pancake!
Assessment week 📝
For the staff here in Reception, it has been assessment week. We have reflected on this term’s learning and are pleased to announce that the children have all made progress, despite an uncertain start to the term with Covid and School closures. We are very proud of their achievements, and they should be proud of themselves too. Let’s hope next term is just as positive - our little rabbits 🐇 are nothing short of amazing!
It’s been such a busy week here in Reception and the children are certainly looking forward to a well-deserved rest after a jam-packed half term.
We wish all of our children and parents a lovely half term break. Have a rest, keep well and safe, and we look forward to seeing you all back at school on Tuesday 23rd February.
Miss Morrey and Miss Fulcher x
W.C 1.2.2021
❄️ Spring Term 1 - All About Winter ❄️
This week, our class text has been ‘The little lost robin’ by Elizabeth Baguley.
In Literacy, the children have produced some wonderful work so far. They have labelled the robin, discussing his wings, beak and orange chest. They have also, as a whole class, written a list of ingredients and a lovely recipe that they will need to make bird cakes at the end of the week.
Our Phonics work is really paying off as the children are able to phonetically sound out a range of more complex words, as you can see from our class input on our Literacy working wall.
We are so proud!
Miss Morrey and Miss Fulcher x