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Kidsgrove Primary School

Empowering Learners...Growing Minds

Safeguarding Statement

Safeguarding at Kidsgrove Primary School


Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children is everyone’s responsibility


Everyone who comes into contact with children and their families and carers has a role to play in safeguarding children. All professionals should ensure that their approach is child centred: this means considering at all times what is in the best interests of the child. Concerns must always be logged and staff members must raise any safeguarding concerns with the appropriate safeguarding lead without delay.


Parents should feel able to come and talk to any of our team, and/or the safeguarding leads named below. 


Safeguarding policies: We regularly update key policies in relation to safeguarding. You can find our policies for Child Protection and Safeguarding, Online Safety, Whistleblowing and other relevant policies on the Policies Page. 


Should you wish to speak to anyone about Safeguarding at Kidsgrove, please email us on the link below or come and drop into school. The door is always open. You can also phone the Safeguarding team on 01782 973970 or complete the out of hours contact form.


The Safeguarding Team



Designated Safeguarding Lead - Mrs Emma Johnson -


Deputy Safeguarding Lead - Mrs Lucy Newbon -


Safeguarding Governor - Mr Nigel Butler - Chair of Governors -



Click below to be taken to our safeguarding policies...

Safeguarding Out of School


If during the holidays you are concerned about the safety of a child or young person or see something in the community please report it to the Staffordshire SCAS (Staffordshire Children and Advice Support Service) 03001118007 and for Stoke on Trent  (CHAD) on 01782 234234. Any individual can make a referral. You could also phone 101.  We all have a care of duty.
Please be vigilant on the websites and apps your children are speaking on and check their settings to ensure they are not at risk speaking to inappropriate adults or peers. If you feel there is a situation that is not appropriate Call the police immediately and photograph any evidence of such behaviours. 
If you identify online any websites or individuals through social media prompting terrorism and extremism  please log these with the police and the government portal.
