Kidsgrove Primary School
Empowering Learners...Growing Minds
Week 38. Week commencing 10th July 2023
As the year draws to a close- we are keen to have one last push on independence and excellence here in Rabbit class. We just cannot believe how quickly its gone and although we are super excited for year one, we have been thinking of the wonderful memories we have. We have looked through our floorbook, remembered the stories, treasured the facts we have learned, the comparing old and new, past and present. We have thought about the progress we have made in phonics, the new maths concepts we did not know before but know now and we have really been proud of our achievements. We really do 'know more and remember more' and Rabbit class really has been special.
We have been doing lots of independent writing this week too. Miss Newbon wants us to be so ready for Key Stage One, resilient writers, confident readers, fluent maths starts! Take a look at our wonderful learning this week...
Week commencing 3rd July 2023
This week we have been learning about the seaside and Under the sea. We thought about the similarities and differences in being by the seaside in the past and the present day.
We watched punch and judy and practised performing our own shows to make our friends laugh.
Rabbits x
Week commencing 26th June 2023
This week we have had the best week ever! We started the week with our KPS by the sea and ended the week with out sports day!
We have thought about teamwork, communication, being supportive and our sense of belonging at our Primary school. We have incorporated every school value this week and it has made our teachers VERY proud.
Take a look at our slide show :)
Week 35. Week commencing 19th June 2023.
This week we continued our journey through traditional tales with 'The Three Little Pigs!'. This week the villain was the Big Bad Wolf! We thought about not rushing our work like the first two little pigs but taking our time like the third little pig who built a strong house that did not fall!
We thought about having determination, one of our values! To build a strong house out of materials and to use our thinking skills to adapt our work to make it even better!
We continued our independent writing journey where we practised thinking of our own ideas. We wrote wanted posters to try to catch the big bad wolf.
We have loved our Traditional Tales focus and have really thought hard about the meaning behind them and the morals that they can teach us. We have thought how we could change the story to make the ending different, or how we could change the characters and we used the story 'Mixed up fairytales' to add humour.
We have really grown our love for reading.
Rabbits x
Week 34. Week commencing 12th June 2023
This week we have been super busy in Reception. We were lucky enough to visit Maple Tree Court Care Home for a wonderful intergenerational afternoon with the residents, partaking in a mini sports day, with lots of different races, time in the beautiful outdoor area, ice lollies, cakes, colouring and even dominoes! We thank them for a wonderful afternoon.
Meanwhile back at school we have started to think about Traditional Tales. We have discussed the differences between stories from in the past and familiar characters. We have really enjoyed thinking about Jack and the Beanstalk and learning about morals and making good choices.
'Jack should not have taken magic beans from a stranger. He did not listen to his Mum.'
'Jack should not have ran away up the bean stalk without telling his Mummy!'
'Jack should never go into a strangers house!'
'Jack stole the hen-you should not steal.'
(Our child led conversations this week)
We loved thinking about ways to make Jacks behaviours right. We wrote sorry letters to Mum and the giant.
We can retell the story verbally and beginning to write it for ourselves.
Next week its the turn of the BIG BAD WOLF to learn right from wrong as we think about the Three Little Pigs! We will think about materials and their properties and do some of our very own constructing!
Rabbits x
Week commencing 5th June 2023
Well this week has been another beautiful sunny week, thank you to you all for bringing sun cream and hats. If you have not already it would be really useful so that we can take our learning outdoors as much as possible!
We have been learning how to stay fit and healthy! We have learned about the food groups and we know lots of factual information that we know as 'non fiction text'.
We have enjoyed the story 'Kitchen Disco' that explores the fruit bowl at night, when the cheeky fruits have a party! We can all retell the story in our own words and now Miss Newbon challenges us to rewrite it! Take a look at the story using the QR code below.
We have been learning how to add and subtract in maths and linking this to our number bonds to 10- we are really getting ready for year one with our maths fluency.
We have been practising our independent writing
We have had the best time in our provision this week as we learn high level skills of having our own ideas and developing them to make things even better. (EAD, UTW,CLL,PSED)
Sorting foods...
Angel- Carbohydrates give us energy and protein make us strong.
Brianna- Vitamins are in fruit and vegetables and they help to fight our germs away. Oranges have got vitamin C so we don't get a cold!
Ayrton- Milk has got calcium, like yoghurts and cheese!
Dexter- We need lots of the healthy foods but fatty foods and sugar can only be a treat!
Rabbits xx
Week 30. Week commencing 22nd May 2023
This week has been a facilitation week in Rabbit class. We have been concentrating on our individual next steps to really understand them and to be as independent as we can be! Our teachers are so proud of our progress and our attitude to learnign and its hard to believe we only have one half term left as a Reception Rabbit!
Talking of Rabbits, we had a little visit from 'Bunny' this week, Miss Smiths house rabbit. We absolutely loved her! We asked lots of questions and found out how she gets looked after so well.
All that's left to say from the adults in Rabbit class is HAVE THE BEST HALF TERM! Spend time with loved ones, and hopefully lots of lovely sunshine. Stay safe (most importantly) and do some reading :) :) :)
Rabbits xxx
Week 30. Week commencing 15th May 2023
This week Miss Newbon says we have been the most engaged, involved and interested children she has ever seen! And she is right. We have LOVED this child interest theme of space.
We have consistently thought about whether our learning each day was fiction- where we use our imagination, or non fiction- where we learned about the solar system, the first man on the moon, the moon, the sun and why its day time and why its night time! SO MANY INTERESTING FACTS and so many differences between the 8 planets!
We made space rockets using shapes!-Ariella
We made space aliens by cutting around shapes and pasting them down! Ivy
We have used Google and non fiction books to find out facts about space. Our five facts that we have all learned and remembered.
1. There are 8 planets in our solar system. Earth, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Mars, Neptune (whole class effort)
2. The first man on the moon was Neil Armstrong (Oliver D)
3. The Sun is the biggest star. The Earth spins around, when the parts are facing the sun its day and when they are in the shadow its night time. (Theo)
4. There have been 4 Mars Rovers- They are space buggies, looking for signs of life!
5. There is no gravity- that means you float in space!
We did a science a experiment to make a balloon rocket zoom across the room! Amazing!
We had the best time designing an alien and writing about it. We use colour semantics to write sentences about our descriptions.
Take a look below
Rabbits x
Week 28. Week commencing 1st May 2023
This week, we celebrated King Charles Coronation.
We learned about the British monarchy in the past and what that has meant for us today.
We learned facts about King Charles and how he became the king. We remembered our late Queen and we learned some wonderful information about the Royal Family.
We had lots of fun celebrating, making flags, crowns and going on a whole school carousel to learn about past monarchs....finishing with our new King and a wonderful tea party all together in the hall.
Check us out, we made a carriage fit for the King!
Long live the King!
Rabbits x
Week 27. Week commencing 24th May 2023
This week we have had the best week. Through pupil interest and following our thoughts on similarities and differences, we decided that we would like to think about the culture of one of our friends...who is from a country in Africa, called Nigeria. (UTW)
We learned SO much. We started the week with a visit form Michelles Mum and Sister, Chloe. They bought in real life African food, dress, and music. We thought about the story 'Catch that Goat' which tells us the story of a little girl who loses her goat in the Nigerian market one day. (CLL, R)
We thought about the differences between a market in Africa and a market here in the UK.
'They aren't wearing shoes!'
'They are cooking food!'
'They have brown skin'
'They wear beautiful patterns on their clothes'
'Some of the words we dont know!'
There were lots of observations and we have been so interested in this focus.
We found Africa on a globe and found out that Africa is 4,427 miles away from UK.
We have made African beads using rolled up paper
and we have learned a dance using some African dance moves.
We designed our own African clothing
and made our own African drums!
We really have had the best time and we are going to learn all about the African savvanah next! We cannot wait,
Rabbits x
Week 27. Week commencing 17th April 2023
We hope you all had the most amazing two weeks Easter break. It certainly sounded like it with news on holidays, family time and lots of fresh air walks, playing outdoors and having fun with friends. Just brilliant.
This half term we hope for more sunshine as we have completely transformed our outdoor area ready for you! Your teachers were super busy cleaning, tidying and really refreshing our outdoor learning space to ensure that its ready for independence, facilitation and teamwork! Our focus of this team.
This week in Reception, we have been learning about the farm and really beginning to further our prior knowledge and learning from Nursery. We have been talking about the jobs of a farmer- why they work super hard and what their job means to us in terms of the animals and crops that they take care of.
We used the Non fiction text 'How to be a good farmer' which is a phonics text suitable for our phase 3 knowledge here in Reception.
We have been using our small world farm to discuss the jobs of a farmer...
' The farmer has to get up really early to make sure his animals are ok'- Ivy. 'He has to plant the crops and make sure the birds don't eat them- because then he has to get them from the ground and clean them ready to send to the shops for us to eat!'-Ariella
'The farmer needs to make sure his animals are kept clean and have lots to eat because the animals give us things like milk and wool!'-Dexter
'The farmer is so busy. He has lots to do to make sure we have some food in the shops and wooly hats form the wool!- Dalton
We had a go at 'milking' using water in a rubber glove!
We have been completing independent writing on arrival into school and during our writing tasks we wrote about the jobs of the farmer.
And we had lots of fun in the art area creating lots of different types of art related :)
We have had a super fun week. We love to learn about how important the farmers role is and how they impact on our lives. We look forward to finding out how different countries farm and what that means for us...starting with next week as we take an adventure through Africa.
Rabbits x
Week 26. Week commencing 20th March 2023.
This week our grown ups have been pulling together all that they know about us to check our progress. Miss Newbon was absolutely WOWed by how independent we are now and what we can do without our teachers support.
In our provision there was so much to strengthen our independence and to encourage us to choose what we wanted to learn.
Take a look at our learning this week :)
Rabbits xx
Week 25. Week commencing 13th March 2023
This week we moved on from our focus of the life cycle of a plant as part of our 'What's special in our Garden?'. We moved on to thinking about Spring new life and the life cycle of a hen.
A life cycle keeps going around and around and around- Brianna
A hen lays an egg in her nest, sits on them to keep them warm, and then they hatch into baby chicks. We learned a song called 'Spring Chicken'.
The baby chicks then they grow into a hen and the life cycle keeps going and going and going- Ariella.
In writing- we wrote sentences about the life cycle.
We also made Mother Day cards and wrote in them. We are super at writing in our environment now, so we know we can get lots of green TrackIts for this.
We also completed lots of independent writing as always :) This week we were thinking about adding our new HRS words to our writing, like, some, so.
In reading, we have been thinking about our imagination and remembering stories. We acted out the Large Family- Peace at Last and took it in turns using puppets. We were very good at this.
We made our very own small world area! We used our past knowledge because we know ,ore and remember more! We thought about habitats. We had a garden and thought about what was special- we thought about different habitats- we put frogs and dragonflies by the pond.
A super busy week and next week is assessment week where we show our grownups how super we are!
Rabbits x
Week 23. Week commencing 6th March 2023
This week we have been learning 'How to grow a plant'.
We used the story 'The Tiny Seed' to learn about the parts of a plant and how it grows.
It starts by a tiny seed, that we need to push into soil. It need sunlight and water to grow and without that, it would die. That's why in the Winter, lots of plants die, because its too cold and there is not enough sunlight. We planyed our own seed and wrote about the process of this.
In other areas of learning, we have been thinking about sentence writing and using our next steps to apply phase 3 phonics and our HRS words into our writing. Our new HRS words this week are 'like', 'out' and 'were'. We have been thinking of making our own sentences up using these words.
'I would like to go out'- Ivy
'We were excited to go out in the snow'- Brianna
In maths- we have been using Numicon to make number pairs independently in the provision.
Take a look at our independent learning week....
Week 22. Week commencing 27th February 2023.
This week, we have been learning about minibeasts and their habitats. We asked the question...
What's our garden?
We have been SUPER interested in this. We have learned lots of new things.
A habitat means- the home and environment of a living thing. Brianna
An animal needs shelter and food from their habitat- they need shelter from their predators that try to eat them. A habitat keeps them super safe.
A grasshopper likes to be in the grass-Oscar
A worm likes to be in the soil-they like it dark. They make holes to collect water from the rain and air from the sky-Brianna
A spider can live ANYWHERE. Their web is their home- and it catches their food! Very clever!
We made bug hotels, and loose part natural minibeasts from the materials we collected our forest schools area! We loved that visit. We saw super long worms and lots of leaves and sticks. It was a bit chilly and we needed our wellies.
We wrote menus in our minibeast cafe- we wrote minibeast meals-spider coca cola, slug soup and chicken with spider webs!
In maths we have been learning about repeated patterns of colour, objects and even numbers! We were really super at this!
Take a look at our super learning this week.
Lots of love
Rabbits x
Week 21. Week commencing 13th February 2023.
LOVE was in the air this week as we celebrated Valentines Day. We took this time to learn about St. Valentine- a figure from the past who believed in love and showing people that you care and love them. We understand this as the past, history- something that happend a long time ago.
We had so much fun in our provision this week, making love posters for someone in our family that we care about
We used chocolate scented play dough to make our very own 'chocolates' (PD-Fine motor)
We used cutting skills to make bouquets of flowers and made love potions!
This helped us to consolidate our learning around volume and capacity. We used pipettes which were a new tool for us! We mixed colours and textures and even completed a science experiment of bicarbonate of soda with vinegar to make it fizz and explode! We then wrote some magical ingredients to finish off our exploring!
We printed using celery to make bouquets of flowers and we talked so much about how to show that we care and love our family and friends...we even had a couple of cheeky roses shared amongst us! (Miss Newbon felt very loved and lucky!)
On Valentines Day we also were so lucky to visit the residents at Maple Tree Court Care home. The staff set up some lovely activities for us in a intergenerational afternoon. Our behaviour was perfect (as always) and it was so beautiful to talk to inspiring elderly people who we can look up to and respect.
It really was a beautiful afternoon-Thank you to Maple Tree Court
A fun filled busy busy week- a week that has been thoroughly enjoyable- every day is a learning day. We have completed our phonics assessments and all have our next steps ready and waiting for Spring 2! The year is flying by!
Have the BEST half term with family and loved ones and most importantly stay safe when making your memories
Lots of love
Rabbits x
Week 20. Week commencing 6th February
We have been learning about the Colour Monster- Caiden
This week is Children Mental Health Week 2023. That means we are learning about our emotions.
Emotions are how we feel- Isaac
We know that its ok to be feeling sad, scared, angry or even a little bit sleepy- Ivy
We thought about good emotions too- happy, calm and love.
The Colour Monster gets his emotions a little bit mixed up- Ayrton
We helped him to sort them out, like the little girl in the story- Dexter
In writing this week- we chose an emotion and talked about what made us feel that way. I chose love and I said 'My Nanny giving me a hug made me feel love'- Brianna
I chose the blue colour monster. I am sad when my Brother snatches off me- Anon
We thought about the colour green. Green means calm! (Miss Newbon's favourite colour)
In Maths, we learned independently in the environment to ensure that it moves to our long term memory. Miss Newbon wants us to remember our learning and do it all by ourselves.
We did colour mixing- We made some different colours! Red and yellow makes ORANGE
Blue and yellow makes GREEN
Red and Blue makes PURPLE! We made our very own colour monsters! We thought about the emotions- a purple colour monster was a bit sleepy and the orange was a bit crazy ready for a party!
We practised our letter formation and we worked VERY hard on our phonics- ready for our end of phase assessments!
Catch up with us next week as love is in the air and we learn about a significant historical figure St. Valentine.
Rabbits x
Week 19. Week commencing 30th January 2023
Week 18 Week commencing 23rd January 2023
Chinese New Year- The Year of the RABBIT! We were SO super excited about this!
This week we learned all about Chinese New Year. We focussed on the Geography key stage one link of the country China, and the historical link of the Zodiac Story. Miss Newbon and Mrs Matthews were so impressed with our learning this week, we have earned SO many green track its for our reading, writing and maths-as well as our small world play- acting out the story.
In maths we have been thinking about position and distance. The Chinese New Year dragons had a race to decide what the years would be named after! (Brianna).
We talked about who came first, second and third and last! We thought about who was in front and behind! Nellie
We sequenced the story in so many ways, practically, with flashcards and verbally to ensure we knew the story through and through. We really enjoyed the story.
The animals had a race, and they are felt different things, we described the animals following their attitudes and feelings in the story- take a look at our class thinking page. We have simply WOWed our grown ups with our amazing phase 3 independent writing this week.
We had an amazing time celebrating Chinese New Year. In our expressive arts and design we have learned dragon dancing with our amazing Chinese dragons that we made all by ourselves! We used different movements and different textures to create a colourful scene. We explored the world of China :)
We tasted Chinese food and discussed using new vocabulary to describe it.
I loved the noodles but the sauce was sour and made my tongue tingle! - Brianna
‘I loved it all, it was delicious’- Oliver D
The lucky colour in China is red! Its on the flag!
An amazing week in our Rabbit class- a whole week of progress and independence. More to come next week! :)
Week 17. Week commencing 16th January 2023
This week came our cold spell! This really helped us with our experiences of Winter and helped us to produce some wonderful conversations that we then turned into writing.
We have started to implement 'The Write Stuff' lenses in our classroom just like the rest of the school and this week we used the green 'action' lens to think about some of the actions of some animals in the Winter. This is what we came up with
Hibernating sleeping, eating, getting fat, flying to a hot place- we used our amazing phase 3 to apply this into our writing
In maths this week we used non standard unit to measure height of ourselves and our objects! We are super at using new vocabulary and comparing taller and shorter objects.
We also enjoyed learning about subtraction, practically...some of us even learned to record our answers.
And of course we had an amazing time in the ice and snow this week!
Another full week join us to learn all about Chinese New Year as we learn about culture, celebrations and countries :)
Rabbits x
Week 16. Week commencing 9th January 2023
This week we have been learning about the seasonal change, from Autumn to Winter. Because we are Reception now, this meant that its not just a case of using our senses; how we feel in the Winter and what we might see but we need to think a bit more about the word change and what that means for the plants and animals in the environment.
We thought about how to shelter from the potential conditions in the Winter, thinking about cold weather around the world and how it might feel to live in such extreme 'Winter' conditions. We planned and worked a s team to think about what we might need to make a shelter, learning new words like 'waterproof' and 'suitable'. Have a look at our winter den planning, designing and building... We had the best time working as a full class.
Also this week we thought about how to travel on the snow and how people around the world might travel to get food if its always snowing and icy! We thought about building sledges using Lego construction and tested them our on our very own snowy surface to see if our little people were protected.
In maths this week we had a fantastic time learning about a new concept called 'weight'. We learned about comparing weight and how to balance a set of scales. We loved it. We thought about using the same objects each side and using the same amount of objects and then changed the objects in one side to see what would happen. Excellent exploration and cross curriculum skills being used.
We then took this learning into our independent provision to ensure that it was embedded because we loved it so much! Lots of new maths vocabulary ticked off ready for Key Stage One!
In reading and writing Miss Newbon said we really impressed her this week. Lots of us are now working hard towards our next steps of caption writing but its the application of those tricky phase 3 digraphs that she is so impressed with. Lots of us can practise writing captions such as 'wait in the rain', ' the boat on the moat' and 'the sheep can sleep!'. We need to start to write our HRS words now to make us super duper.
Week 15. Week commencing 2nd January
A happy new year to you all. Children have come back to school showing all of our values, they have settled and grown :). We have had a really calm three days back and this has meant that learning could begin straight away!
In phonics we have started to learn some of the trickier phase 3 digraphs. We have been learning how to identify, to read and to write words containing the digraph 'ai'.
ai ai rain- Ariella
ai ai wait- Oliver
ai ai pain- Dalton
ai ai tail - Theo
We have also thought about the digraph 'ee'. We wrote the 'green snail'. We thought of words that use the digraph ee, as in see, bee, teeth.
We had a new role play area this week. A hairdressers. We have been doing our friends hair, cutting and washing and it cost £6.
I did my friends hair and it was a special one, nice and spikey!
We have been practising our independent next steps writing...
A busy but brilliant first few days back
Rabbits x
Welcome back our little Rabbits
We hope you have all had the most amazing rest with your loved ones and that you come back to start Spring One with some lovely stories to tell us.
Above all we cannot wait to see you and to hear that you have all been safe and happy for the past two weeks. Time certainly flies!
Its time to get cracking...its the Spring term. The Autumn term wen so quickly and your skills and knowledge progressed so much that your teachers were amazed! Outcomes were fantastic and now we keep working on our individual next steps...its non stop in our Early Years. We have lots to do and lots of brilliant activities planned for you!
We start this term thinking about Winter and the seasonal changes we might hear, see and feel. If you have done any nice Winter art for us be sure to bring it in for our display
See you on Wednesday :)
Miss Newbon and Mrs Matthews xxx
Week 12 and 13. Week commencing 5th December and 12th December. we are, we are coming to the end of a busy busy Autumn term. The following two weeks are crazy at Kidsgrove Primary School and even more so in the Early Years! We are busy and trying our best not to get too carried away with cheeky 'Elf on the shelf' stories- but our teachers do love them, so we are making time to share them! Some of the mischievous tricks they have been getting up to are amazing!
So apart from this, we stay nice and focussed whilst we complete our assessments- Miss Newbon and Mrs Matthews know us so well! So, so lovely to show off what we know! ELS phonics assessments and plenty of teacher judgement will ensure we all know our achievements and our next steps for Spring One!
This week though, there is lots of fun! We have our dress rehearsal for our school production! We cannot wait to see you all next Thursday for the show.... it's all pretty much under wraps! But prepare to be amazed.
We have lots of Christmas activities going on...take a look.
This week we also learn about the reason behind Christmas, the Nativity story. We know about what Christians believe and the story of Jesus. We can sequence the story and we have been using finger puppets to retell the story.
We will keep updating over the next few days- super busy and such a beautiful time of year.
Speak soon
Week 11 Week commencing 28th November
This week we continued our learning of People who can help us and what makes them special. This week was the turn of the DENTIST!
Dentists help us to keep our teeth healthy by checking them! They help us to know what foods and drink are healthy for us!- Ayrton
Fizzy pop is gross I don't like it at all, it rots your teeth- Theo
We know we need to brush our teeth two times a day for 2 minutes! - Antony
We had a go at brushing dirty germs away from teeth! We loved it. We described the smell of the toothpaste. It's really minty! - Nellie
In phonics we started to think about our phase 3 phonics digraphs. We concentrated really hard as we know this is really hard! Our digraphs this week were ch,sh,th,ng and nk. We practised reading the words and captions that have these digraphs in them. Such as
Miss Newbon said the harder we practise at home, the more fluent we will become, ready for Year One!
Assessment week!
This is our time to shine. Our grown ups are constantly addressing our misconceptions and next steps, gathering information around what we know and what we dont know...yet. Next week though they tie all of this together to see just how amazing we are with our independent learning.
We continue to practise our Christmas Production, which promises to be amazing! We are working so hard on it! Next week is all systems go, with our dress rehearsal on Friday morning! We cannot wait!
See you next week
Rabbits x
Week commencing 21.22.2022. Week 11
On Monday we had the pleasure of watching the World Cup together. We wore our football kits and ate popcorn and thought about what the World Cup is!
We talked about our British Values of democracy and respect and talked about the taking part. It really is amazing to play football for ENGLAND and we used our Geography interests to discuss some of the other countries taking part from around the world.
We thought about Spain because each class has a different country to learn about and linked it to our Spanish learning based on colours this half term. We know that Spain is hotter and it's not too far away from us! But we normally travel there by airplane! It takes a few hours and some of us have been there!
This week we have continued with our People who help us theme. We were learning about Florence Nightingale and how she helped hospitals and nurses in the past. We thought of the conditions in the hospitals 'pre' Florence Nightingale, and how she helped and made things better.
We practised our role play of her life story.
In maths we practised our number pairs to 5
We are trying to become really in depth with our numbers to 5. We can subitise, count, find one more and one less than and make pairs of numbers. We now continue to work on fluency in this area.
In other areas, we now start to think of our phase 3 digraphs ch, sh, th and ng. We are super at oral blending and we now focus on blending to read so that we can read quicker! Ready for year one.
It is VITAL that we read at home as much as possible :)
Catch you next week
Rabbits :)
Week commencing 14th November week 10
This week we hosted Antibullying week at our school. We thought of ways to be a kind friend and just what bullying means to us.
We decorated odd socks and practised our maths by making repeated patterns with socks!
We are all different- Caiden
We should not pick on people, we need kinds hands, feet and talking voices- Jayden
We are kind friends- we need to help people who are sad- Ariella
This week was also Road safety week. This worked amazingly alongside our 'People who help us, what makes them special?' theme.
We had a visit from our community lollypop lady, Erica. We know that she is a 'safer stranger' in our community. She wears a uniform and is there to help us- come rain or shine-to be safe when crossing the road.
We thought about other safer strangers who keep us safe on the roads. Police make sure that drivers are following the Green Cross Code.
We changed our role play to a police station....take a look.
We know that police don't just catch baddies...and we should not be scared of the police. We need them to make sure that everyone follows the rules-because rules are there to KEEP US SAFE!
We applied our phonics to write words and captions on how police keep us safe- Ayrton
We are working on our own personal next steps in literacy. We know what we need to do to become more independent and we go lots of green track its for writing in the environment.
We started phase 3 phonics this week. Our Essential Letters and Sounds programme is going so well and we now know the importance of READING AT HOME.
Lots of us are phase 2 secure and are already blending to read a phase 2 book- we now work on fluency ready for our comprehension skills ready for year 1.
Such a busy week this week!
18th November was Children in Need. We came into school dressed up wearing spots or yellow! Pudsey loves yellow. We raised money for children who are not as happy, healthy or as safe as us and we talked about how lucky we are to be healthy- Brianna
We decorated Pudsey ears and used colour by number to create masks. We used pompoms to complete our repeated pattern maths learning- Dexter
We did some Pudsey dancing :)
Such a busy week again! Next week Miss Newbon will be sending home some links to our Christmas play songs- it's a play with a bit of a difference this year! Written by our very own Mrs Matthews- we are very excited to show our loved ones :). Take a look at our independent learning this week.
Rabbits x
Week commencing 7th November 2022. Week 9
This week we have continued our learning around 'SAFER STRANGERS'- Brianna
We know how to help keep ourselves safe and we know those people in our community who can help us to stay safe- Ivy
We can recognise them because they will normally have a uniform and an ID badge that will tell us who they are- Ayrton
We know what to do if we are in an emergency and we do not have a phone- we can shout help if someone upsets us and we are not with a grown up. We should always be with an adult that we know and trust!- Ariella
We know that these are people who can help us!- Oscar
We practised our role play skills in our fire engine
This week also marked the very special day Remembrance Day. This falls well with our learning because we know that this special day is to mark the celebration of our soliders. People who helped us IN THE PAST. We love learning about the past and we know that our history makes our country what it is today.
We remember the soldiers and the horses who were fighting and got hurt- Ariella
They died for our countries to save us- Ivy
They helped us- Theo
They are good people; we have two minutes silence today to show respect- Ayrton
We made poppies for a display and for our floor book- we also did observational drawing of our own, independent in our provision- Aria
Rabbits x
Week commencing 31st October 2022
This week we started the week thinking about Halloween and how people celebrate around the world.
Lots of countries celebrate Halloween- it's from in the past! That means a long time ago! Ayrton
Lotsof countries do the same thing, with decorating pumpkins and Trick or Treat!- Mollie
Check out our Halloween dancing and dress up!
In maths we continue to think about the numbers 1-5 in depth. This week we used Numicon to help us make Halloween potions, and we found different amounts of spooky objects in our potions to make different numbers.
In writing we made spooky Halloween potions and wrote down words of things we might add! We wrote initial sounds, CVC words and some of us wrote captions like a fat rat and a big bug! Disgusting!
We all know our individual next steps-so we are getting super duper at writing independently in the environment too- and we get green TrackIt's for independent writing :)
We read lots of Halloween stories and built up or vocabulary. We know that we have to know more and remember more, and we looked through our floor book to jog our memories of what we have learned so far in Reception! We are really bus bees!
This week we also learned about the celebration of Bonfire Night.
We have learned a new word ‘HISTORY’ and what it means. We know that Bonfire Night is celebrated because of Guy Fawkes – a very famous historical figure and he tried to do something bad! He tried to blow up the houses of parliament, but he didn’t manage to do it! Ivy
We learned the famous rhyme ‘Remember Remember’ Jayden
We did lots of wonderful writing, and fine motor skills….take a look (Ariella)
We also did lots of nice firework art…take a look in our floor book.
In PE we pretended we were fireworks and we used our listening and attention skills. Miss Newbobn shouted a firework noise and we had to perform a different movement. Whoosh meant run! Bang meant jump with a clap! It was great fun.
We used buttons and tweezers to make our own fireworks and we used lots of small construction. We made shape rockets practically with shapes and with perfected our cutting skills to make shape rockets too!
We learned all about FIRE SAFETY with Fireman Sam!
We know that rules and boundaries are there to keep us safe!
Don't go near a firework even if it's already gone off!
Always wear gloves and have a bucket of water ready when using sparklers because they can be hot even when they have finished!
Keep pets inside so they don't get scared!
Stay with a grown up at all times!
Never go near the bonfire!
Stay bright so you can be seen!
Again a super busy week, we continue our Essential Letters and Sounds programme and we all know how we can get better and better- we keep going and keep progressing, so we can still be the BEST class in the whole WORLD!
Rabbits x
Week 7. Week commencing 17th October 2022
This week has been super busy. Its Assessment week so our adults have been tying together everything they know about us and we have completed our phonics assessments. We have been showing off our very own independent skills and showing our teachers that we really do know more and remember more. They are very proud of our outcomes 😊.
As well as Assessment week we have had some super duper learning around First Aid. We have learned what WE can do if we are on our own with someone who is poorly or injured. We thought about our address for if we need to ring 999 and we thought about what we could do if we didn’t know where we are- ‘’we look for something around that we can say”- Ayrton
Take a look at us trying on some first aid uniform and apparatus that we may need to use in a first aid situation. We all know what to do if one of our friends fall over on the playground too!- “Ivy”
We don't need to panic- two of us can go get a grown up and the others need to sit on the carpet, very still- because we need to keep the poorly person safe and we need to keep ourselves safe too-especially if our grown up is the poorly person and there is no grown up to keep us safe!"!
This was Miss Newbons FAVOURITE recap speaking from our first aid learning-very grown up and very sensible- well done Brianna
On Thursday we learned all about Diwali. We had the best time learning all about the celebration and festival of LIGHT!
“Hindus celebrate Diwali”- Ariella
“We did Indian Diwali dancing to celebrate”- Jayden
We made paper lanterns because its all about light over dark and loving the light. They watch fireworks! - Angel
We had a super fun day learning all about this religious celebration. We learned that not everyone is the same and that all over the world we all celebrate different things. We did make the link that Diwali is around the same time as bonfire night! They are both in the Autumn.
Here are our paper lanterns and our amazing powder paint fireworks that we did in the rain and our wonderful Diwali dancing.
Take a look at our wonderful learning this week!
Rabbits x
Week 6. Week commencing 10.10.2022
This week we celebrated and raised awareness of Hello yellow! We thought about our feelings and emotions and linked it to the story 'Sometimes I feel Sunny'. We talked about not always feeling happy and that if we didn't, if we felt scared, sad or worried- what could we do to ensure we aren't alone- who could help us? what could they do? We loved this in Reception. We completed lots of lovely, yellow, 'sunshiney' activities :0
Welcome to week 6! This week we turned all things AUTUMN! We are linking our learning to the key stage one National Curriculum and so we have been thinking about Seasonal Change.
We started the week on our Autumn walk in our forest school’s area. We wrapped up warm and felt the Autumn wind. We had our wellies on to stop our feet getting wet from the dew. We know that leaves fall because they are starting to die- there’s not as much sunlight in the Autumn and there’s lots of change- ready for the super cold Winter.
We have been practising our fine motor skills with our playdough Autumn characters. We use our knowledge of dough disco and practised the different moves. We also practised threading wool onto hedgehogs! But Miss Newbon said next week we will learn all about hibernation!
Look at our Autumn pictures.
Following this experience- we started to put our phonics into writing practise by writing initial sounds and CVC writing of Autumn words. Take a look.
In maths this week we have been getting ready for assessment week and learning about composition of number- this means how we make up different numbers up to 4. We know that:
3 and 1 makes 4- Ayrton
2 and 2 makes 4- Nellie
4 and 0 makes 4- Oliver
We can show this in lots of different ways. We used Number sense to practise telling stories about the numbers. There were 4 candles and 3 were blown out, 1 was not- so 3 and 1 makes 4! It’s a super way to learn and we do it every day, so Miss Newbon said its embedding every day into our long term memory when we practise!
We have been learning and using new vocabulary around the seasons and as always our communication and language grows every day in our provision. We will be coming home doing lots of blending words that we see around the house too :0
Have a super weekend
Rabbits x
Week 5. Week commencing 3rd October
Wow, what a crazy week! This week we have embedded our new motto 'WE KNOW MORE AND REMEMBER MORE'. We have learned techniques to remember our learning and we have learned that we can use our floor books to help us remember from a long time ago!
This week we thought about our school, and we learned about maps. We look at Google Earth to find out school and thought about where we live in comparison to school. We know how important place and location knowledge is and we linked this to the key stage one subject Geography. Some of us can walk to school from our house as we live super close, some of us need to take the car!
We walked around our school. We learned about maps and how they can help us. We then thought about the direction we need to walk to get to different places in our school or how to go and see a particular teacher and we thought about positional language- what is next to, behind, in front or to the left and right.
Look at our pictures from this and our floor book map, that we can use if we ever get lost!
In maths, we learned about 2D shape. We went on a shape hunt outdoors and then applied this skill in our environment, independently. We are learning to be independent in all our learning-ready for key stage 1!
In phonics, our phonemes this week correspond with the graphemes ck ,e, u ,r. We are all getting confident now in hearing phonemes and writing their grapheme to write small VC to CVC words. There is a video attached to support us in this.
Our superstar writer :)
We practised strengthening our fingers and hands to prepare us for super writing, in dough disco this week.
We had a super week in PE- we were learning to throw and to balance balls using our concentration skills.
In music- we continued our listening skills development and copied rhythms. We found the pulse in different songs and thought about keeping in time. We also continued to practise our song about ourselves. We can’t wait to show you when its perfected.
See you next week 😊
Rabbits x
Week 4. Week commencing 26th September 2022
This week we really used our communication and language skills with a focus on 'our family' and what makes them special. We wanted to understand that all families are different and they really do come in all shapes and sizes. We learned that this is ok. We completed our family tree and we bought photographs of our loved ones to talk about and we just loved sharing them with our friends. We had so much to say and it is so clear that we have so many wonderful experiences ad adventures.
In literacy this week we have been continuing with our Essential Letters and Sounds programme and have been working on the letter graphemes g, o, c, k. We are learning to orally blend sounds and to blend to read CVC words and are practising our letter formation of the corresponding graphemes.
We continue on our prewriting shapes journey and we have been drawing our families for our display.
In maths, we have been learning about counting on, one more than...getting bigger... having more. We want to be super speedy in maths and so we are doing it ALL of the time. We can already shout out one more than a number pretty much instantly and Miss Newbon is super proud. We are having a focus on number formation. We have also thought about our height as part of our 'what makes me special?' focus.
We have been thinking about life in the past. What was life like when our grand parents and great grandparents were young? Our story has been 'Our Grandparents Love Us'. We looked at old toys that we are lucky to have in school and we have been comparing them to the toys that we play with...take a look...
See you next week
Rabbits x
Week 3. Week commencing 19th September.
This week we have been thinking of our theme 'Who am I? What makes me special?'
We learned that our fingerprints are unique! We know we are special because we are not the same as anyone else! We are different, even though we might have the same coloured hair or we like the same thing!
We received lots of photographs of our families. We wanted to think about human growth. We sequenced a human cycle from babies-toddler-children-teenagers-adults and elderly. We thought about what each of these may look like and what kind of things they would or wouldn’t be able to do.
A baby drinks milk and sleeps a lot. Antony
A toddler starts to walk and talk! Ivy
A child can go to school. Dalton
A teenager has a mobile phone. Mollie
An adult can have a house, a car and a baby if they want to! Theo
An elderly person might have a walking stick or a bad back! Nellie
We watched the story Once there were giants! It talks about a little girl from being a baby-right up to an adult. It helped us to know and to identify the different stages of a human.
We had a little visitor! Miss Newbon’s very own toddler Matilda came into school! We played with her and sang her a song. She joined in at milk time and it was so much fun to see what she can do! We compared her to a new baby sibling in our class and also we compared her to us! She can walk and talk now and she eats the foods that we love- but just not as much! We talked about our siblings too- we know so much about each other now and we are doing some wonderful talking about our loved ones.
We found a significant person from the past. We thought about what the Queen did at her stages of life and we put it in our scrap book. We linked this to human growth and thought of the Queens special moments at each of the stages of her life. As a baby-she was a princess, as a child she learned from home instead of school and she loved painting. As a teenager, she spoke on the radio to all of the children being evacuated and as an adult she got married, had 4 children and became the Queen! She has just passed away at 96 years old- when she was elderly.
In phonics we have been continuing with our Essential letters and sounds. This week we have learned I,n,m,d. We are really getting good at oral blending now and we have been working SO hard on our fine motor skills and letter formation every single day.
We have had SO much fun this week. We love learning about each other and what we are good at. Catch up with us next week for more learning! Take a look below at our learning in the provision.
Next week we learn about our families and we will explore life in the past where photographs were black ands white!
Rabbits x
Week 2 Week commencing 12th September 2022
This week in Rabbit class we have been super busy. We have continued to settle in and to understand the high expectations and the ways to keep ourselves safe.
We have learned all about our red, pink, and green school values.
Red is respect, this means we take care of our classroom environment and resources, our friends, and our teachers. We take care not to hurt people or break things, we use kind hands and words to our friends, and we use our manners and listen carefully to our teachers.
Pink is friendship and green is courage. This means we can be brave when we aren’t feeling too good about a job or a task or something new.
We worked inside our secret classroom. This is our secret learning space where its super quiet and every learning experience is a challenge. Miss Newbon completed our statutory Reception Baseline Assessment. She was mega proud of us, and it means now we get to continue our learning with our own personal next steps.
We have been learning sign language to ‘Sing’ by Gary Barlow as a sign of respect. We will start to sing this in our celebration assembly. You can find the link to this below.
We started phonics- we can now ALL orally blend and we are getting super at saying initial sounds to objects. We have learned new vocabulary such as phoneme, grapheme, blend and segment.
We have now all taken an iPad home and we thank you for our parent and carers support in reading on our Essential Letters and sounds app (the link can be found on the Our Early Years curriculum page. All children have received HRS words on a key ring which will be tested at the end of the half term. We will be learning these in school also- but when your child can read them, please encourage them to practise spelling them as well 😊
Next week we start to think about our first learning theme. ‘Who am I, what makes me special?’
We will be linking this to our late Queen as we begin to think about the Royal monarchy and to celebrate the life of the Queen Elizabeth ll. We will be thinking about our name, where we live, our family and most importantly what makes me, me?! What do I like and what am I good at, what do I dislike and what might I need some help with. We are going to think about people all over the world and their similarities and differences…after all, I am incredible!
See you next week
Rabbits x
Week 1. Week commencing 5th September 2022
This week we started in Reception Rabbits. Our teachers are SUPER proud of how well we have adapted to our new expectations and routines. We have settled beautifully, learned all about our new incentive 'TrackIt light' system where we can get green lights for super choice and orange for not so super choices. Its ok thought because we can change our not so super choices almost straight away by impressing our grown ups! That makes us happy. We don't want to get to orange or red and we know we can ask our grown ups if we aren't too sure how to make things better!
In our learning we have spent the last few days impressing our teachers with what we 'already' know. Our teachers said this is called our 'Baseline' and we have been making sure we have been telling them all of our amazing stories from the Summer, using super talking voices and telling them all of the wonderful things we would like to learn about this year.
We cracked straight on with our phonics. This week we have been learning to read and write the letter s and a and we know their sound too! We are doing lots of oral blending. We are learning to blend together the phonemes that our grown ups say to us to say the word.
Not the usual bright and distinctive, eye catching page this week though....some very sad news. We were so sad to learn about the passing of our Queen Elizabeth ll. We learned so much about her during the Queens Jubilee. We had an assembly this week to pay our respects and we will now continue throughout the half term to learn about the Queen and her time as Queen. We will be thinking about her timeline, alongside our topic of All about me. We will be thinking of the monarchy and learning what happens next as we begin to welcome our new King Charles lll.
See you next week
Rabbits x
Hello little Rabbits.
Welcome to Reception. This year we promise to have SO much fun. I hope you are as excited as we are to share your wonderful Summer stories and adventures. This week we will take the time to really get to know each other inside out, back to front, upside down and all around. You will learn everything about us and we will get cracking on baseline assessments. We are so excited for this year where we promise to love you and take care of you as if you are our own. We pride ourselves on our relationships and our want for making amazing memories along our learning journey.
We have been working super hard on our learning environment....and you will just LOVE IT.
See you on Wednesday, our Rabbits
Miss Newbon and Mrs Matthews