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Kidsgrove Primary School

Empowering Learners...Growing Minds

School Menus



Eating lunch together is a really important part of the school day.  It is a key time to encourage independence and develop social skills, as well as to ensure everyone has a good meal.


School Meals
School meals are cooked on site. Our provider is Caterlink. Lunch menus are very popular with a range of well-balanced and healthy options and are changed regularly. All meals are required to comply with the School Food Standards, which are intended to ensure that children get the nutrition they need across the whole school day. Our menus are available in the entrances to our two school sites, and online below:


Payment for school meals
Payment can be made online using ParentPay.  
Please speak to the office staff for any other queries regarding lunches.


Free Meals Entitlement
All children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are entitled to a school dinner every day, free of charge to parents/carers. However, if you want to provide your child with a packed lunch, you may do so.

Children in Years 3 to 6 may be entitled to a free school lunch if you are on certain benefits (for example Income Support or Job Seekers Allowance) and have a low income.  The school office will be happy to advise you about this and to help you complete the appropriate forms. You will need to provide evidence of your entitlement, for example a letter from the DSS (not more than 4 weeks old) that states the type of benefit you receive. If your child is eligible for free school lunch, please register their entitlement even if they have packed lunches. This eligibility can affect school funding and will make you automatically eligible for grants for school journeys.


Packed Lunches
If you prefer, your child may have a packed lunch. We ask that you ensure packed lunches are healthy and well balanced, as we do encourage healthy eating at school.

Please note the following points about packed lunches:

  • No sweets, chocolates or fizzy drinks
  • No glass bottles or breakable containers