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Kidsgrove Primary School

Empowering Learners...Growing Minds

Our home school link

We pride ourselves on building relationships with not just our children, but their parents, carers, families throughout the year. We understand that children spend a lot of time at school and we believe that each child is entitled to not just the very best education, but home from home nurture and love too. That is why it is so important for our home school link to be just as strong as the relationship with our children. 


We encourage independence and a love for school, so that children are happy to race into school each day-however we know how important it is for you at home to know that children are safe and thriving each day.


We use Class Dojo for this. An application on your mobile phone, means that you are the first to know any achievements that your child has throughout the day. You also can see photographs of amazing activities that they are exposed to, any new vocabulary they have learned and used and whenever they receive a dojo, whether it be green for good or yellow/red for a not so great choice made. 



You can 'inbox' us at any time of the day and it will ping on our laptops. We can also inform you of any reminders at any time of the day. You can also send us photographs from home when your child has achieved something that they are proud of. 


We have an open door policy. This means if you wish to come and discuss your little one, you can ask and we will sort this for the end of the school day, or the nearest available opportunity. We have half termly parent drop ins and consultations, and you will receive an annual school report at the end of the year to discuss your child's achievements. 


The way we assess and observe children, allowing for challenge and next steps, is on going. Here are a few ways you may see our observations being completed.


Floor books- we LOVE our floorbooks. They show our themes and focuses throughout the year, each child has work to showcase in them. They are creative and progressive and they show our progression links to the National Curriculum. Children love their floor book and we use it as a way to show how we 'Know more and remember more!'


Learning journeys- These are your child's personal individual learning journey. They show how personal misconceptions are addressed, practised and therefore showing new learning that has been embedded. They show WOW moments and independence, fun and adventure on their journey throughout the early years. It is here where you will see an array of child initiated, adult led, independent, post it notes, photographs, art work, short observations and QR codes to see moving images and videos of learning. 



Literacy journeys (Reception)- The literacy journeys show progression from baseline in September where children will show pre writing shapes and fine motor activities- to phonics into writing where children will be applying their phonics knowledge into their reading and then into heir writing. We often write from experience, so children will access resources and experiences and then we follow this up with a write- which could be mark making, a drawing, an initial sound grapheme, a label, a caption or a sentence- all of which are individual progress for each child.  We use colour semantics in the Spring term to allow for children to retain what they wish to write.




Maths learning journey- Children will complete active maths each day and will be taught through adult directed math sessions which will be shown in their journeys. Children will be taught and then expected to complete the task independently in the provision before we can say that learning is embedded. We will not move on until your child is comfortable and confident to independently complete a concept.





